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Welcome to

The King's Heart Project

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Who are we?
How do I join
the project?

This is the home of a global "pay it forward" movement.


Every single one of us has felt that warm, awestruck feeling when someone unexpectedly notices us. Maybe a stranger bought your coffee in the Starbucks drive-through line. Someone sent you an Uber Eats dinner delivery when you were an overwhelmed new parent. A person sent your cancer-afflicted child a get-well care package. A stranger bought your dinner at a restaurant because they could tell it was your first date. All of us have at one time or another experienced the good deed of a passerby. Chances are, you felt loved, remembered, noticed, cared for, and possibly encouraged to pay that act of kindness forward.

What if the whole world was in the habit of “paying it forward?” What if every person’s goal was to bless someone who passed through their daily routine? Maybe the world would be less angry and less divided if we could set aside our own prejudices and fears and just show anonymous kindness. It sounds cliche and romantic, but we believe (and have experienced the truth) that there is a powerful human need to both give and receive kindness. One man once said: “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? If you only greet your own people, what are you doing more than others?” - Jesus, Matthew 5:46-47 

The King’s Heart Project is inspired by the belief that all good things come from the generous Heart of King Jesus. When we share His heart, we get to be part of something bigger than us, something bigger than our mundane, self-centered lifestyles. One of the most radical statements Jesus ever said was: "If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles." In the days of the Roman Empire there was a law that if a Roman soldier asked you to carry his pack, a Jew was required to carry it for one mile, no more no less. This is the context of the command Jesus gave: if a soldier commands you to carry his pack, carry it further than the law demands. You might change his life, soften the heart of your enemy, and make a lasting difference. He might feel so appreciated that he is inspired to pay the kindness forward. The change in his life could inspire a domino effect spilling over into your community.

Small, deliberate, and ordinary actions throughout our everyday interactions are the blueprint to a harmonious community and contagiously spreading that harmony to the entire world! 

Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Please take a moment to share your story with us.  

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